I am looking to build a dashboard using the Generic Query Interface (GQI) which shows a clear status of element capacity across my DMS.
The idea being I can forecast growth and utilisation.

The question was not very well phrased. It should read, show the element capacity per DMA within a DMS 🙂 Taking into account active / disabled elements as a filter.
If with element capacity you mean the amount of elements then it's possible with GQI to create a query that counts the amount elements in the DMS, optionally grouped per DMA. But this returns only the current values.
With our upcoming DataAggregator extension module, you could schedule this query to run at a configured interval. These results could be ingested back into DataMiner (or using a custom data source in GQI), allowing to create a dashboard that shows the amount of elements over time.

Thank you Wim.
Firstly you deciphered the question, which was poorly written 🙂
More importantly, a great route forward. Will try out a dashboard and look to share to others via Dataminer. Services.
Looking forward to the DataAggregator extension module
Hi Ian,
If you need something today you might want to build a connector to get this data. This connector can retrieve the number of elements each hour and compare it with the max number of allowed elements on each Agent. If you enable trending on those parameters, you can see how the capacity usage evolves overtime.
Hi Ian,
With capacity are you referring to how many elements I can run in a DMA based on the license? Or based on the load (CPU, memory) in a DMA?