Hi, is there a way to install the DataMiner Cube Standalone Launcher on the DataMiner server and have all the users access it without having to get every user to install the Launcher in their session?
I can see that when the installation is performed it creates a directory C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Skyline\DataMiner\DataMinerCube, but when other users access the server with their own user credentials, the Launcher is not available, it needs to be installed.
Hi Carlos,
Indeed at the moment it is only possible to install DataMiner Cube for a specific user (not system wide).
You can install DataMiner Cube from the following link: https://dataminer.services/install/DataMinerCube.exe
There is the option to install DataMiner Cube with command line (silent install as well) if it is not yet installed on your machine (see DataMiner Cube launcher command line arguments - DataMiner Dojo). This could be used to install/push DataMiner Cube to all pc's in your company (as reference see Use Group Policy to remotely install software - Windows Server | Microsoft Docs). Hope this helps you forward.

Thank you very much Michiel and Lander
Hi Michiel and Lander,
In our customer’s environment we use Citrix published apps and users are currently accessing the DM cube by opening IE links for a specific DM agent. E.g.
Are there any future developments or is there a way to install the standalone cube to:
* Allow access for all users where DataMinerCube.exe is not stored in user’s AppDataLocal folder.
* Then pre-configure and add agent pairs for all users (we have 6 in total, as mentioned in above URLs). It appears that this will need to be done manually after you launch the standalone cube for each user which won’t be feasible given the number of users who access DataMiner.
* Is there also way to use command line to launch the standalone cube with specific DM agents? E.g. Add a switch to DataMinerCube.exe to launch the a specific agent TS-DMA-SRV1.
C:UsersdngoAppDataLocalSkylineDataMinerDataMinerCubeDataMinerCube.exe -host TS-DMA-SRV1
Kind Regards,

Hi Duc,
To use the DataMinerCube start window, it needs to be installed in the users LocalAppData. With a login script this can easily be installed automatically for all users. The clusters displayed in the start window are configured in the file %localappdata%\Skyline\DataMiner\DataMinerCube\CubeLauncherConfig.json. After installation, the login script can copy a file there, so all users have the same configuration, with all the desired clusters.
There are commandline arguments to launch a specific Cube. In your example it would be:
%localappdata%\SkylineDataMiner\DataMinerCube\DataMinerCube.exe /hostname=TS-DMA-SRV1 /launch
You can find more info on these commandline arguments here: https://community.dataminer.services/documentation/cube-launcher-command-line-arguments/
Could also be interesting in your case: when DataMinerCube.exe is downloaded from the landings page of a DataMiner, running this exe will automatically add the cluster it’s downloaded from to the configuration.
Kind regards,
Thanks Lander. Will test this out.
Just want to add: DataMiner Cube is installed in the user local appdata so no elevation is necessary.
It can easily be installed for a group of (or all) users with a login script: put the exe (you can download from the link provided my Michiel) on a network share, and execute DataMinerCube.Exe /Install /Silent on login. If it’s already installed, nothing will happen. If not, it will be installed silently. Use /InstallOptions to modify installation options.