Dataminer Cube not connecting to DMA after I install DataMiner integration studio (DIS).

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Hi Kalid,
First of all, I don't believe DIS is relevant here. DIS is a plugin for Visual Studio to develop connectors, automation scripts, ...
The problem you experience here, is that DataMiner Cube is not able to connect to the DMA server. And according to the message, it looks like it's not able to connect to the server at all. Is the IP address or URL correct? Is the firewall allowing HTTPS traffic?
You could also try to navigate with a web browser to the IP address or URL in order to see if you get at least some kind of DataMiner webpage or if you get an error in the web browser.
If those things look fine, you should also check if DataMiner started up fine, and a good starting point is looking at the SLDataMiner.txt log file located in the directory C:\Skyline DataMiner\Logging.
I hope these pointers can help you in the correct direction to fix this problem.

For the test I just turn off firewall and start to connect gain I got the same massage not able to connect. I check the SLDataMiner file and it show the following massage:
2023/10/24 21:10:36.232|SLLog|ApplyLogLevels|CRU|-1|Log Levels: Info: 0; Error: 0; Debug: 0 (from LogSettings.xml)
2023/10/24 21:10:36.245|SLDataMiner.exe 10.3.2243.15574|11920|17076|CRequest::CreateConnection|DBG|0|– SLNetCom object successfully created.
2023/10/24 21:10:36.250|SLDataMiner.exe 10.3.2243.15574|11920|17076|CRequest::AddLocalInfo|DBG|-1|– Added local SLNetCom info: VT_BSTR :
2023/10/24 21:10:36.250|SLDataMiner.exe 10.3.2243.15574|11920|17076|CRequest::AddLocalInfo|DBG|-1|– Added local SLNetCom info: VT_BSTR : localhost
2023/10/24 21:10:36.250|SLDataMiner.exe 10.3.2243.15574|11920|17076|CRequest::AddLocalInfo|DBG|-1|– Added local SLNetCom info: VT_BSTR :
2023/10/24 21:10:36.250|SLDataMiner.exe 10.3.2243.15574|11920|17076|CRequest::Init|DBG|0|** Initializing SLNetCom
Also I check the SLErrors,txt file and show the following massage:
2023/10/24 21:10:03.513|SLLog|ApplyLogLevels|CRU|-1|Log Levels: Info: 5; Error: 5; Debug: 5 (init)
2023/10/24 21:10:51.240|SLAnalytics.txt|SLAnalytics|SLNetConnection.cpp(196): Skyline::DataMiner::Analytics::SLNetConnection::openConnection)|ERR|0|Exception while opening SLNetConnection:
2023/10/24 21:11:11.295|SLAnalytics.txt|SLAnalytics|SLNetConnection.cpp(196): Skyline::DataMiner::Analytics::SLNetConnection::openConnection)|ERR|0|Exception while opening SLNetConnection:

It looks like your DataMiner did not start up correctly. You probably experience the same issue as described here:
Can you check if the solution in that post helps you out?
Some time windows defender firewall blocked connection. Please either allow public network or add in inbound Firewall Rule for DataMiner cube app.
also if you are using Ziine dataminer demo system, this error comes if it’s down or have huge traffic. I had this problem with Ziine server and it was got resolved once restarted.
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