We are looking to install DataMiner Cube in Azure VDI. We are creating an image with all of the applications that will be used but having issues with DataMiner cube.
It appears that it only installs under a user meaning that every person would need to install the app on their VDI profile. We want to restrict users having access to install software so ideally we want to have the application installed on the Golden image and managed centrally.
I believe there was an MSI installer in the past that allowed us to do this before in a RDP environment where we could control the image but cannot find any reference to that in newer versions but still see in the older
Any assistance would be appreciated.
Thanks Miguel. That seems to work!
Hi Simon,
Was the link from Miguel useful to create a successful image?
Yes it worked Pieter

Thx a lot for confirming
Hi Simon,
Maybe you are referring to the Shared MSI installation: