I think i have found a bug in the Dataminer Cube App. While I am in Cube App, section Surveyor, Root View i get a pop up with views.
I have created, under Root View, new views. If i try to move an element from Root View element to the new created View, i get the following: " Drag and drop (partially) failed. A drag operation already in progress".
For example, if i try to move Z.MarianViewTest, i would get the same error as mentioned above. The bad part is that the actual view "[] Z.MarianViewTest" will replicate if i click and try to drag it. So i will get same error message several times.
Am i missing something here or this is a real bug?
Hi Ive,
I know i can enable Drag-and-drop but my issue is when i accidentally click it. If the Drag-and-drop option is not used, should i get the alarm ?
It happen a lot of times now and i had to close the Dataminer Cube in order to make it disappear. The small title pop up remains on the screen and i cannot check or see options under it.
Thank you!

Hi Ive,
I am running

Hi Marian,
I was unable to find more information regarding the problem you reported.
Are you still experiencing the issue?
If you still have the issue, can you please reach out to techsupport@skyline.be ?
Hi Marian,
I’ve tried to replicate the issue you described but was unable to do so.
Can you please let me know which dataminer version you are using?