Can we control Dataminer Router control visio from Samsung Tablet.
If yes, please provide me the steps.
Thanks in advance.

I'm not quite sure if I understand the question correctly, but I assume you want to use our mobile Visio feature where a router control Visio document is active on a certain element.
Our monitoring web application has the ability to display a Visio document on a mobile device. Just like you would have in DataMiner Cube.
On the tablet you would have to open a browser and navigate to https://replace-with-dma-hostname/monitoring
See example:
I hope this information helps you !
Kind regards,
You could create User Defined APIs and install an app that can send HTTP requests on the tablet. Similar idea is used as an example for Kata #2.
You could maybe make use of DataMiner Web Services as well, but I think User Defined APIs will provide you with more options, if web services can even be used in this use case.
Exact steps on how you might achieve this are too long to explain in single Dojo post, but I'm sure Kata will be great starting point.
You can find additional information on our docs.
Hope this helps,
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