I want to install the DataMiner Cloud Pack but I don't know if .NET 5 is already installed on my system. Where can I find if it is installed or not?
Hi Jens, see the following page for an explination on how to determine the installed .NET versions. Unfortunately it's not very straigtforward for versions >= 4.5.
The following page also contains a few alternative methods:

Also make sure you have all the needed .NET 5 dependencies.
Right now the cloud pack requires:
– .NET 5 Core Runtime (Hosting Bundle)
– .NET 5 Desktop Runtime (which already includes .NET 5 Runtime)
If, by accident, a cloud pack would be used which installs .NET 5 it should simply skip the .NET 5 installation part by itself if it’s the same or a newer version present on the device. So it wouldn’t harm anything.
For .Net 5 and higher, you can just run this on the commandline:
dotnet –list-runtimes
and check if you have any “5.x.x” version in there.
Note: if that command doesn’t work, it means .Net 5 is not installed.