I am trying to cloud connect a DataMiner node and get the following error message: "failed to start the cloud registration process..... connection has failed to respond (connect.dataminer.services:443)
When I go to https://connect.dataminer.services on the browser, I get the following response: "placeholder of the index page of the CcaHubService. (extra update, this should be display on both dev and stage")
Also I can reach https://admin.dataminer.services from this DMA.
As far we know there is no firewall active that blocks the connection.
Is there any test I could perform to find the root cause of the problem?

here some info from the log file:
-04-11 00:13:05.461 INF]Running version at C:Program FilesSkyline CommunicationsDataMiner CloudGatewayDataMiner CloudGateway.exe[SLCcaGatewayService.Services.GeneralServices.Impl.GatewayVersionProvider]
[2022-04-11 00:13:05.515 INF]Starting initial DMS token refresh timer at interval 00:05:00 (expire 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM +00:00)[SLCcaGatewayService.Services.HostedServices.RefreshDmsTokenHostedService]
[2022-04-11 00:13:06.025 INF]Disabled HTTPS and WSS[SLCcaGatewayService.Services.EndpointDetection.WebApiEndpointService]
[2022-04-11 00:16:02.535 INF]Dma State change from “Unknown” to “Online” was detected.[SLCcaGatewayService.Services.GeneralServices.Impl.DmaStateManager]

-04-11 00:15:52.434 INF]Could not yet connect to SLNet. Re-trying later. (Problem communicating with ipc://slnetipc/SLNetService: Timeout while sending message (15s))[]
[2022-04-11 00:16:02.434 INF]Connecting, authenticating and subscribing to SLNet…[]
[2022-04-11 00:16:02.491 INF]Dynamically loading Skyline.DataMiner.Storage.Types in memory…[]
[2022-04-11 00:16:02.520 INF]Connected to SLNet.[]
[2022-04-11 00:16:02.520 INF]Connected event![]
[2022-04-11 00:16:02.521 INF]Broadcasting DMA State Event Online.[]
Hi Thomas,
As discussed the problem was that the system could only connect to the internet through a proxy. After applying the proxy settings on the LocalSystem account (see answer from Bert here), the cloud connection worked.
Hi Thomas, do you see a specific error in the latest logfiles (located in C:ProgramDataSkyline CommunicationsDataMiner CloudGatewayLogs)?