When using the DataMiner api to connect to dataminer you have to use the ConnectApp call first to login.
The response gives you a token to use in the other commands, my question is how long is the token valid? Do you have to send regular a command to keep the token valid?
The returned connection ticket stays valid for 5 minutes. Whenever a web method is being called using that connection ticket, its expiration is being reset back to 5 minutes. So if you use the connection ticket regularly, so that there is within 5 minutes always at least one web method being called, then it can stay valid without limits (if IIS Recycling is disabled).

Each connection ticket is mapped to an SLNet connection. If the SLNet connection gets closed (for whatever reason), then the connection ticket will no longer be valid (the user will have to call the ConnectApp method again).
Interesting, does the ticket become invalid when the user is removed from the DataMiner or changes his password?