Hi, this has already been raised with DCP173217 but I am also putting on here as suggested.
We have elements set up in a DMA called awsdmt501a that contains an API layer so that it can receive http calls from outside Dataminer, which works fine when the calls are made directly to a DMA (awsdmt501a in this case). However, after we rolled out a new certificate on awsdmt501 for the new shared hostname, only 50% of the calls made to that shared hostname reached the elements which means that the other 50% is trying to hit 501b instead of 501a and got lost, which is unexpected.
Accessing to the cube through the new shared hostname works fine and below is the current failover setting which indicates all the calls made to ‘awsdmt501’ should be directed to ‘awsdmt501a’.
Hi Paul,
Can you please let us know which version of DataMiner you're currently using?
If everything is set up correctly, then the IIS configuration on the standby server should have a set of rewrite rules to redirect traffic in case it receives requests for the active server.
Can you please check the IIS configuration on your standby server and verify if these rules are present and active?

Hi Paul,
Thank you for confirming.
I believe further follow from our Skyline support team on your system will be required to identify the cause.
Since you already have a ticket in place, you can track the follow-up using that ticket.
Hi Ive,
we are using DataMiner and I checked the IIS and the rewrite calls are present in the standby server