hi team
point1. we have installed the Dataminer agent with DMA ID, installation process was done, is it possible to access the dataminer software on browser(ex.chrome,edge) or only we have to access it with only via dataminer cube?
point2. if we only have to access via dataminer cube then what is the host?, is it where the dataminer software installed that server ip address?, pls give us breaf clarity on host part.
point3. dataminer cube only accept HTTPS? or it will accept HTTP as well?.

Hi Praveen,
1. Access via the browser is possible to the Monitoring app.
This is an HTML5 based application giving you access to the DataMiner system with limited functionality.
For full access, you should use DataMiner Cube.
2. The host part should be the host name of the server where DataMiner was installed.
In case you are using HTTPS, this should match the name used in the SSL certificate.
In case you are using HTTP, using the IP address will also work.
3. HTTP is also still supported but discouraged.
Hope this helps.
thank you
Here is how you can configure https : https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Advanced_Functionality/DataMiner_Agents/Configuring_a_DMA/Setting_up_HTTPS_on_a_DMA.html