Hi all!!!
I've upgraded dataminer from: Dataminer 10.1 CU11 to: DataMiner
On brand new Windows Server 2016 versión 1607 which runs the following versions of .NET Framework
Currently installed "classic" .NET Versions in the system:
2.0.50727.4927 Service Pack 2
3.0.30729.4926 Service Pack 2
3.5.30729.4926 Service Pack 1
When validating the agent's operation I received a couple of new Notices with the following information:
I appreciate your comments and the corrective actions to take, regards.
Hi, this is a known issue https://collaboration.dataminer.services/task/157346.
Currently there is no workaround available.

Debeuf, What is the impact of these notices on DataMiner operations? Thanks.
Hi, I’m afraid I don’t have a view on what the operational impact is.
got it, thanks for your reply