Hi, I need a user to be able to select an element where the name contains certain characters from a drop down feed. At the moment I can only see how to filter the feed by elements, protocol, view etc but not via the filters that you get access to with a query. Is there a way to filter my drop down list by the results given from a query?
This is not possible at the moment. The dropdown feed does not yet support linking to queries.
You can use a component that supports queries though and use that as a feed. For example a table with the "Get elements" query can be used to feed elements:
But to be able to specificallly link the dropdown feed with query data would require a new feature. I aggree this would open a lot of potential and would be a powerful addition to the dashboards application.

Hi, Ross. I see. Then I have good news. Your use case would already be possibile even without interaction of a dropdown feed. You can link your query table directly to the parameter table. See other answer.
Hi, thanks for this. I agree it would allow the feeds to me more powerful. For my use case I have a table filtered by a query which is displaying the elements that I need. If I use this as a feed, which components can I update with it? Can I create a parameter table and then have that table (as a feed) update the element for it? Or, is there another way to do this? I need to filter a list of elements by element name using a character filter. I then want that to feed a table where I display selected parameters. Then, each time a new element is selected it updates the parameters for that element.