Hi, in a parameter table in a Dashboard, we couldn't find the possibility to change the width of the columns. Is column width scaling possible in a parameter table?
Hi Jordy,
This is indeed not possible at this moment.
You can use a GQI table to display a parameter table. This comes with a lot more out-of-the-box features (allowing custom column positioning & sizes, lazy loading for improved performance, sorts & sizes being saved in the local storage). It does not contain all features of the regular parameter table yet though.

The columns of a parameter table component are not resizable at the moment. Feel free to create a task on Collaboration to get this functionality added.
If you use a GQI query to get the table data, and visualise it as a table, then those columns are resizable (but you'll be lacking severity and trend indications).

Thank you Wim!
Thank you Sebastiaan!