I'm getting through an ad-hoc source some trend data back (min/max/avg/count) based on dates. I want to display those within an same graph. I tried the graph but i can't show multiple values on the Y axis. How can i do this?
Data from adhoc source:
17-4-2024 00:00:00,"694","1583","894","320"
20-4-2024 00:00:00,"450","1387","594","320"
Hi Gerwin,
Currently this is not possible when using GQI data on a line chart component. We are developing multi-line/multi-axis support for the component as we speak. This, and some other enhancements, will be available in a future DataMiner version.
If the data comes from a parameter, you can use the parameter itself as the data source for the chart component.
EDIT: This feature is available from DataMiner 10.3.0 [CU15]/10.4.0 [CU3]/10.4.6 onwards.

Any indication from which version this would be available?

We are aiming for 10.4.6. If we do not make it, it will be in 10.4.7

That’s sooner than expected, we’ll wait until that is available. 🙂
Another workaround, although not straightforward, is to offload the result of the query in an element. You can schedule GQI queries using the DataAggregator (https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Advanced_Modules/Data_Aggregator/Data_Aggregator_DxM.html) The result of queries (CSV files) can be processed by a driver that could offload this information to a table. From there you can build the trend chart based on parameters.