I am trying to share a dashboard to an external user.
Followed the steps to share a dashboard, e-mail was sent out. But when user clicks the link following messages are displayed.
and no data is displayed in the graph.
What is missing to allow data show up in dashboard?
Hi Anna,
The first message notifies a user that the dashboard that he is opening is being migrated. This is caused by the dashboard (not the shared version) last being opened on an older DataMiner version than the current one. Until recently (< DataMiner 10.4.0 [CU14]/10.5.0 [CU2] or 10.5.5), it could also appear when the dashboard was already up-to-date but the loading took longer then expected. This is harmless and doesn't cause the dashboard to not be functional.
The issue with the infinite loading of the data in the table could be something related to incorrect WAF rules which was also recently fixed. Can you check if the problem still exists with DataMiner > 10.4.0[CU12]/10.5.0[CU0] or 10.5.3[CU0]? You may have to delete & re-create the share.

Note that a Web-only upgrade is sufficient here, which means no DMS downtime. Only the web applications will be down during the upgrade.
Thank you for your response. We are currently on 10.4.0[CU11]. I will look at upgrading at the next maintenance period.