Hi Dojo,
Is there a way to share a dashboard with multiple users without credentials on a non-cloud connected DMS? Could it be done with an intermediate computer acting as client and server?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Manuel,
at the moment this is not possible. In the future, we will look to support DMZ setups or the use of proxy servers.
With a DMZ setup, you will be able to still isolate your DataMiner Agents. The servers that are present in that DMZ will then act as an intermediary server for your DMA nodes. These servers will be the only machines in your network exposed to the internet, keeping your DMA isolated.
If you have more questions about the Cloud Connection feel free to reach out.
Baptiste Pattyn

I think Live Sharing is the feature you are looking for. This will enable you to share your dashboards with internal and external people.
You can find extra information under the following URLs:
1. General information: https://community.dataminer.services/use-case/dataminer-live-data-sharing/?hilite=livesharing
2. Documentation:
3. Use case Router Control Panel Live Sharing: https://community.dataminer.services/use-case/dataminer-live-router-control-panel-sharing/?hilite=livesharing
The problem is that in our case, connecting the DMA to the cloud is not possible so we need any other method to do it locally.

Then I would recommend looking into Dashboard Gateway.
You can find some info here: https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Advanced_Modules/Dashboards_app/Dashboard_Gateway_installation.html?q=dashboardgateway.
That’s exactly what we need, thanks a lot!
Hi Manual, this is currently not possible to share a dashboard without being cloud-connected. In the future, DataMiner will be more and more cloud-connected with features depending on cloud-connected agents.
However if this is blocking you, you can take it up with your contacts within Skyline or add a feature suggestion here on Dojo.
Hi Baptiste, thanks for your reply.
I was thinking of an intermediate server with any kind of software that logs in with credentials to a dashboard and then republishes it. Do you know any similar tool?