I have queries that gather the serial numbers of devices throughout our DMA. I would like be able to get the Element's Name into the query so management can identify the different devices as they know the devices by the names we call them. The query does add element ID, but that is not helpful to management. Some devices do use the "System Name" oid and that is helps. However many devices and non SNMP devices do not.
Hi Nikolas,
You can resolve this problem by adding a Inner Join operation with a 'Get Elements' query.
The 'Get Elements' query will give you the element name and the 'Element ID' parameter will act as foreign key to related these two datasets.
I also suggest to perform a 'Select' operation after this, just to simplify the format of your data to what you exactly need.

Be aware that an inner join will remove the serial numbers for which no element was found during the join. If this could be possible and you still want to see those serial numbers, a left join instead of an inner join is needed.

Thanks All.
This page is exactly what I was looking for!
I am working on a similar project, assembling one place for fuel levels.
Thank you. The Inner Join with Get Elements and then filtering Element ID on Element ID worked like a charm.