My dataminer has following logic link between VIEW, SERVICE and ElEMENTS
One VIEW -> several SERVICES -> Each SERVICE has several ELEMENTS
In the dashboard query. I can find the logic link between VIEW and ELEMENTS. So in my dashboard table i can present which view an element belongs to.
But I could not find any logic link between SERVICE and ELEMENT.
If an element belongs to one service, i could not use query to present the Service Name the element belongs to.
Is there a way that in the dashboard we can get the Service information from an Element?
Hi Peng,
We still have an item on our backlog to provide a service relations data source similar to how we already have a view relations data source. The current priority of this is rather low as we didn't have any stakeholders for this feature yet.
Could you elaborate on your use case? Perhaps we can already suggest another way of achieving the same functionality.

Thanks for the details. In DataMiner 10.3.4 (which is being released in several weeks) we have introduced a capability to request any data from DataMiner using a code snippet. With this, you can easily create a data source that lists the Service-Element relations. Definitely give this a try as it will enable many more use cases!
I have a dashboard table to show some parameter values of the elements in a service. I would like to also show the service name along with the parameters of the elements. e.g. have a SERVICE NAME column in the dashboard table.