Hello, I'm evaluating the possibility of presenting a report in a dashboard with trend data of an event that is no longer live in a system. As the data of the event is stored in a table of an element, once the event is complete the row associated gets deleted.
I'm wondering if there is a way to get the trend data of the parameters of the deleted row using a SLNet call in order to present it in a dashboard, or if there is an easier way to get this data without using SLNet at all.

In the squad we have created a GQI ad hoc script to query the data directly from Cassandra:
SkylineCommunications/SLC-GQIDS-RetrieveTrendData: GQI ad-hoc data source that retrieves timestamp and value from a data table in Cassandra (github.com)
This is specific to a connector type but can be modified as needed to any other one.
Hi Sebastian,
Have any of these answers helped you find a solution yet, or have you found a solution in the meantime? Could you select the best answer or add your solution in that case, so we can close this question?