<span class="Y2IQFc" lang="en">With the comtech satellite platform we have NetVue embedded on dataminer. To have access to the dashboard and query configuration, is a license required? Or an admin user? Is it possible to access the data through a third-party interface like Tableau? Thank You!</span>

As this question has now been open for a long time and there has been no further reaction from you, I will now close it. If you still want more information about this, could you post a new question?
Hi Nicolas,
NetVue is a solution delivered by Comtech EF Data, consisting of the DataMiner core along with a CEFD-specific solution package (drivers, Visual Overview graphics, etc.). And I'm not entirely sure about the specifics of this package. There are specific user rights associated with the use of the dashboards (but those are not by default limited to admin profiles) - but it might be that the rights were pre-configured by CEFD. Can you check if you can access the User Rights? Can you also confirm what version of DataMiner you are running (click on your User icon on the top right of your client, and select About from the drop down menu).
Let me try to check this also with CEFD for you.
Hi Ben , How are you? The version that appear in “About From” is
Versions for agent D94Z77X2 (ID 64201):
Server version :
Client version : 10.1.2046.12804-6d7da2bc
Launcher version : 10.1.2046.6592-bd846fd6
I already have access to the dashboard app. Is it possible to make a query of some type to take data and do data analysis through Tableau, for example? What connector do I need?

Hi Nicolas – I would like to set-p a call with you and bring one of our Customer Success Managers with experience with NetVue. Please send me an email (roger.bijos@skyline.be) and we go from there.
I have a lot of experience with Comtech’s NetVue/Heights system so may be able to provide you some clarification that will be helpful.
1) It looks like you are running DM version 10.1, which was the last version of DM that Comtech certified for operation with NetVue, so you will be limited to only the Dataminer features/capabilities that are supported in that version. If you want utilize any of the newer exciting DM features that require newer versions of DM you will need to contact Comtech to see if and when that may be possible.
2) Since you are running 10.1, your license should already support version 1 of the Web API, which was the northbound interface method recommended by Comtech to get data out of a NetVue/Heights system for use by any external 3rd party application. I worked with a number of customers that successfully did this.
3) NOTE: NetVue only supports the use of Northbound interface for READ ONLY operations. DO NOT attempt to make any Heights related system changes, or trigger any NetVue scripts via the WebAPI as that could cause serious configuration issues with your Heights/Netvue system.
4) NetVue is still running Dataminer with MySQL as the back-end DBase. NetVue did not make the conversion to Cassandra or Elastic so you will not be able to use any DM features/capabilities that require those two technologies.
5) I am not familiar with Tableau, so I can’t comment on how, or even if, it would be possible to have Tableau utilize the Web API to get the desired data out of NetVue. I can say that my experience with APIs in general is that there is usually a large amount of software work required on the client side to extract the desired data and incorporate that data into another application. It is usually never a simple plug and play operation. If you are lucky, there may be another DM feature/mechanism that makes interfacing DM to Tableau simpler, but I am not aware of one so will defer this to the good folks at Skyline
6) If you decide to utilize the API approach and desire support from Comtech on this effort, you will most likely need to purchase Comtech’s separate advanced API usage support package. The standard support package offered by Comtech for NetVue/Heights does not include advanced API usage such as what you are looking to do. Standard support only covers basic level 1 API usage which will get you and your team up and running getting basic data out of your NetVue system using a simple 3rd party API testing tool such as SoapUI.
Hope this helps, and good luck.
Hi Nicolás,
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