Hi Community
In the Admin/Dataminer System / Overview section there is the button \"Open in a desktop app\", when trying to open it the cube application opens, however I cannot enter the DMA
Is it possible that this functionality is not yet active? Or maybe it is only valid when you choose DataMiner As A Service?
This feature has been released. We are working to get the Docs and cloud changelog update. I will post a link to the docs once they have been updated.
Note that there still a limitation, if you have SAML setup on your system you will not be able to connect to your DMS.
We plan to remove this limitation in the future and will update the docs.
Please let me know if you still have any trouble to use this feature.

you can find the documentation here: https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Cloud_Platform/RemoteAccess/Cloud_Remote_Access.html#accessing-your-dms-remotely-with-dataminer-cube.
Note that your system needs to be connected to dataminer.sevices and have the remote access enabled as explained in the docs.

Edit: I removed the second limitation from my original answer since it no longer applies. This means that you can use Remote Cube access when multiple CloudGateway modules are running on your DMS.
Thanks Baptiste, As soon as the documentacion is released, we will review the configuration details to enable this functionality.