Hi Dojo community,
are there any command line arguments supported by Cube to log in as a specific user (and logoff) or can this be controlled in another way?
Our use case is a setup with another application running on the same client as Cube (but on another screen). The user selected in this application determines which user should be logged in to Cube. When the active user is logged out in the application also the user in Cube should be logged out automatically. When another user is selected for login this should also be used for login to Cube automatically. It should be avoided, that different users are logged in to the application and Cube at the same time. We could imagine to close cube and start it with a specific start arguments incl. user name and password via command line.
I already checked the documentation, but did not find start arguments for login:
Hi André,
Providing a password in the commandline arguments is not a secure practice so that option is not available.
Using the "Remember me" checkbox on the login screen, Cube does provide the option to store credentials, and it does this on an IP/hostname basis. If you have a cluster with multiple agents, you could launch Cube with host=dma1.internal.lan for one user and host=dma2.internal.lan for another user. You will need to login once to store the credentials. If you have a single agent and are not using HTTPS, you could use the hostname and the IP address as distinctive options.
Note that there is nothing that would prevent a logged-in user to log out and manually log in again using other credentials, if known.
There is no inter-process option to forcibly log off a Cube session aside from simply terminating the process. You could remotely send a KillClientRequestMessage through automation but you would have to find a way to uniquely identify the correct Cube session.