What are the supported screen resolutions for the Cube application? Is it safe to assume that the app will scale to any resolution the windows client supports?
Hi Rene,
While our designs should be optimized for all common screen sizes, we typically design our pages against a 1440px width (full application width). So for pages inside Cube, we typically subtract the default width of the surveyor.
Is there a specific width or height that you are wondering about?

Hi Philip,
Is the popup too big for the screen or is it just positioned incorrectly (partially out of the screen)?
If it’s the second option, then probably the problem is not the resolution (the resolution you mention, should be more than sufficient), but it might be a problem because of the scale setting in the display settings of that laptop. If you have e.g. 150% or 200% scaling, certain popups were sometimes positioned incorrectly, but I thought the latest version of DataMiner should now handle all cases correctly. Not sure which version you are on…

Indeed, the Cube resolution is OK in this case, since the mentioned case was opened for a visual overview pop-up, which is not a Cube-native component. We will be reviewing this shortly. The answer provided by Pieter above meets the initial request about Cube resolution. Thanks.
I originated the Cox Jira ticket that resulted in the resolution question being asked. In summary…
I have a monitor screen and a laptop screen. The Popup windows are partially off screen on my monitor with resolution 1920 x 1080. The Popup windows would stay fully onscreen on the laptop screen with resolution 1920 x 1200.
When the popup window is partially off screen, the top of the window is cut off. This makes it impossible to move around and hides buttons on the top.
Examples are available in the Cox Jira SKYDM-458.