It seems that the Cube use the port 80 to perform automatic cube update even if the DMA is configure to use port 443.
My customer doesn’t allow the usage of the http port 80. Is there a way to force the Cube update via the https port 443 ?
Hi Bernard,
When adding an agent to the Cube Start Window, it will automatically check if HTTPS is available or not. If it is, it will be preferred over HTTP.
If any issues are encounterd when trying HTTPS (e.g. invalid certificate) a warning tooltip will be displayed. If HTTP is not available, an error will be displayed that this is not recognized as a valid DataMiner agent.
If you added the agent before HTTPS was enforced you may have to remove it and add it again. Starting from 10.2.6 (RN33289) you can also edit the existing entry and select "HTTPS only" as the transport.

Hi Bert,
Thanks but the Cube succeed to connect in https. My issue is when we deploy a new DMA version. It seems that the Cube try to download the new Cube version via http and not https