I am trying to cloud connect a DMA on an account that has no organizations yet, I seem unable to create a new organization.
When pressing the connect button, I get linked to my web browser for a login, upon login I get stuck on this page. I have tried clearing the web history but to no avail.
Anyone has any idea what else I could try?
We are aware of this issue and a fix is in progress. We will inform when this fix has been released. ETA for this fix is in the beginning of next week.

The fix has been deployed, you should be able to create an organization now and make the system cloud connected.
Plz let us know if you would still encounter issues.
Best Regards
Thanks Jordy and Koen, the issue has indeed been fixed
In the mean time i’ll add you to another organization as a workaround. This will allow you to create your own organization.