Hi Dojo,
I want to create SNMP Simulation for connector that has two SNMP connections.
In QA Device Simulator I can specify IP Address for one device which is used with one connection. Is there any possibility to add two IP Addresses?
How we usually create simulations for drivers with more than one connection?
Hi Dario,
If the device has two SNMP connections, either they are pointing to two different SNMP agents or one of them is a redundant connection (i.e. a different IP address /port that you can use to reach a SNMP agent that will provide the same information).
In this case most probably you are pointing to two different SNMP agents (each one providing you different information from the device). If this is the case, you can create two simulations, each one retrieving data from each connection.
Locally you can run more than one instance of the QA Device Simulator. However, when running the simulation you will need to set a different port.
In your local element, both connections will have the same IP address, but different port.
Hope it helps.