When defining a correlation rule in the Correlation app, and chosing "send text message" as action, a text message is sent only to the first user or telephone number that is selected or specified. The opening dialogue window says "select users or groups" (plural), but only the first recipient actually receices a message.
Anyone knows about an issue here?
Thanks a lot!
Hi Nils,
I cannot simulate this exact behavior, but I did notice that the software does not like whitespace in between the different user names, while that whitespace does get automatically added when configuring users through the user interface.
Workarounds: Removing the whitespace should help here, or spreading the text messages over multiple correlation actions.
As long as the different "USER:XXX", "GROUP:XXX" or telephone number entries are separated by semicolons (";"), all of these should be attempted for sending out an SMS.
e.g. "USER:One;USER:Two;GROUP:SomeName;+12345789"
The relevant logfile where the behavior can be verified is SLGSMGateway.txt.
In any case, there is a bug here.

Hi Wouter,
of course, you are right: removing the blank space solves the issue, and multiple recipients in any combination is no issue. Very good! I am certain I’ve tested this before, but somehow I did not succeed… anyway, this works nicely.
Thanks a lot!