Since the reports and dashboards will go EOL, what's the best way to generate an alarm distribution or scatter graph in the new Dashboards?
Is there a way of displaying the elements/services with the most alarms or that have been the longest in alarm?
Jeroen Geldhof [SLC] [DevOps Enabler] Selected answer as best 26th July 2022
Hi Jeroen,
Displaying elements with the most alarms is already possible through GQI:
- Fetch the alarms, preferably within a certain time range (e.g. last week, you can link a time range component as a feed to your fillter)
- Count the alarms through an aggregation and group it by Element ID
- (Further improvement: you can join this element ID with the elements datasource to display a more readable name)
- This data can be displayed through a column and bar chart.
Alex Barnett [DevOps Member] Posted new comment 26th March 2024

Hi, I see that this answer provides a solution for the total number of alarms over a time period; but what about the other part of this question? What’s the best way to generate an alarm distribution or scatter graph in the new Dashboards? Such that the alarm count can be plotted against a time axis to show the distribution (how alarms varied over time).