Dear members of the Dojo community,
A device is accessible on a certain IP address and port 111 via Telnet. An element on the DMA running a serial protocol sends commands but is not receiving commands. If you start a command prompt on the same server and type 'telnet <ip-address> 111', a dialogue box opens and as long as this dialogue box is open the element in Dataminer is not in time out anymore.
Is there a setting on this Dataminer System or specifically in the connector that has an impact on this behaviour?

Okay, I will try to investigate if I find a difference in the messages sent before or after opening the Telnet dialogue.

I made two Wireshark captures, one with the dialogue box open and one with the dialogue box closed to search for a difference. If I find a difference, I will share it here with the Dojo Community.

I added a finding of this comparison as a new answer below.
Hi, I just saw this (I am WfH) and I thought perhaps you could have a look at the DataMiner.xml Telnet tag in order to activate the Telnet interface. Check it out and see if this makes a difference.

This telnet feature of DataMiner has nothing to do with polling of devices, no need to activate this.

Thank you for the suggestion, Conan. This setting was not activated in Dataminer.xml. I edited the file and restarted Dataminer to sync. However, this did not fix the problem.

Thank you for the clarification, Bert. I did not know this.
I don’t immediately have an answer for this bizarre problem, but maybe you can also take a look with Wireshark if there is something you notice in the communication on the wire…