IncludedPids:2001,2002,2003|TableRowFilter:FULLFILTER=((2004==[var:jobkeyvar]) AND (2005 == 0)) OR ((2006==[var:jobid]) AND (2009 == 1)) OR (2002 == [var:type])

Hi Samantha,
This is syntax used in combination with a table. The first part tells DataMiner which columns to show. The second part shows the server-side filter, which looks like a boolean filter with conditions comparing the column value to the session variables.
More information here:
Kind Regards,
Thank you! I understand the first part but having hard time wrapping my head around the second part. The session variable “type” where is that value pulled from? With respect to the table and column specifically

The session variables are typically initialized on the Visual Overview itself. The options here are:
– On page load (look for the following page-level Shape Data: ‘Execute’ or ‘InitVar’
– On Visio page itself (look for shape data on shapes in your page, setVar or special embedded components)
– More complex Visio’s, On Automation Scripts you can also initialize session variables.
I can see initVar on page reload as below. Looking at, its not getting set to anything here so it should be set somewhere else in the visio. Am I correct in assuming that?

I can confirm you should be able to find back the from within your Visio the place where the session variable get initialized. It might be an indirect link (e.g. Automation Script that gets executed and initializes the variable or a timeline component), but it should be possible to find all session variables.
Thank you for your help! I can see its set in an arrow shape. I see a different parameter called HIDE which is set to below. Does this mean there is double filters to control the visibility of the table? Since below supposedly hides the values as well. What is the below filtering?
[sep:-$]ororor$A|Element:[this element]|Parameter:2006,EXE (*GROUND)|=[var:jobid]$B|Value|[var:flag]|=0$C|Value|[var:filter]|=0$D|Element:[this element]|Parameter:2004,EXE(*)|=[var:gtag]|DefaultReturnValue=False
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