We wanted to copy the trending datas to another database :
According to that link, we can do that only with oracle, mysql and mssql. Is that still the case? (we are insterresting in doing it with postgres).

Hi Sevil,
Yes this is still the case with the standard direct database offload options. There is however a fourth standard offload option "CSV offload" which only generates the offload files which contain the data and doesn't yet insert this data into any 3rd party database.
If you select "CSV offload" each DMA will basically start generating the offload data in a local cache folder and have it sit there as .csv files.
We then have the option to build a connector which will pick up these offload .csv files and push it to any destination. This can be a data stream (like AWS Kinesis or Kafka, ....) or a direct database solution (like AWS S3, Azure Cosmos DB, ...) or in your case postgres.
The "CSV offload" option has been made available specifically to be able to integrate any type of destination as it would have been almost impossible to have all of those technologies natively supported in our core software as destination types.
Hope this helps,
Feel free to reach out in case you need more information!
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