The guide on DataMiner Compute Requirements references number of cores for each tier (min/normal/high) and type of node (DMA/Cassandra/OpenSearch). Can you please specify if the no. cores for a DataMiner Agent node is referring to logical cores or physical cores?
This is relevant for when matching equivalent compute offerings on Cloud platforms. For example AWS specify their instance type details in vCPUs (logical cores) and not physical cores; logical cores are usually x2 physical cores.
The difference in cost is considerable and it would help if the documentation provides a clearer definition of the CPU core requirements.
Note that the documentation specifies the term 'logical cores' for the Cassandra node type but specifies only 'cores' for DataMiner agents.

Hi Reza,
Indeed, this is confusing in the cloud world of AWS and Azure. To clarify our requirements: it's always logical cores we talk about. And I've now asked technical writing to replace the word 'core' or 'logical core', with 'vCPU' on that requirements page. That will make things more clear.
About the benchmark comment, we actually did that long time ago, but we moved away from that because in cloud environments it's easier to work with number of vCPUs. Before we were using the PassMark benchmark from and we had something of 10k as minimum for a DMA.
But, at the end of the day, it all depends on the load you add on a DMA and which connectors you use, and which features you use on how high the CPU load will be, and how responsive your DMA will be. So, it's also recommended to keep eye on that, because we cannot apply pure mathematics on the number of elements vs the number of vCPUs or benchmark. It is more like a guideline, finetuning should be done with real metrics of a configured DMS I guess.

Perfect answer, thank you.

This has now been updated in the documentation. (See
Contemplating further on this question, I would like to ask for more specific/concrete specification of CPU requirements, can you please refer to a benchmark tool and a benchmark score which a multi-core CPU needs to obtain to be adequate for a DataMiner node i.e., a server that solely runs the DataMiner application(s).