Hi all,
In the last week I've worked on the Low-Code with GQI, and everythings work fine, yesterday I have a reboot on the Dataminer Agent, and when I opened my Low-Code app, I see the message "Compatibility manager is not initialised yet" in CQI Panel, but also everywhere I used the querys like Node edge graph or tables (this below is the error) just ot give you an idea
Why I get the problem is due the problem with the compatibility manager, but can I manual initialize it? I don't find any information about this manager in the docs.

Hi Miguel
The server version is 10.3.5
Hi, restarting IIS will most likely get manager up and running again (no DMA restart required). We'll investigate what could have gone wrong.
Hi, I’ll try to reboot the IIS, can I ask if you share how to reboot the IIS and not the entire Dataminer?

Hi Marco, you can restart your webserver by opening “Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager”. On the left under “Connections” you can find your server. On the right under “Actions” you can “Restart” your server.

Or windows key + R > iisreset
Marco, can you indicate the version of DataMiner you are using?