Is there a tool that can be used to combine a dmupgrade and dmapp package? That way we would be able to upgrade the DMA and an application (i.e. SRM) in one go. Technically it should be possible by combining the (zip) files inside the packages, but I'm wondering if a tool already exists that does that.

We would not really link both versions toghether. The intention would be to do it ad-hoc. Our customer will probably request to do the upgrades at night, and having a combined package would save some time.
Isn’t it better then that it would be possible that you can provide an upgrade package and a solution package as well and that the upgrade does them both. Instead of merging them in the same package, then you have the freedom to pick whatever released package you want instead of having to provide packages add hoc.
But for this to work changes need to be done in the upgrade process, which can maybe be a new feature.
This way you can also verify the security by checking the signature of the released packages you are installing.

That would be better indeed, but currently not available (yet).
I think it can be requested as a feature suggestion, and people can then upvote it.
I'm not aware of any tools available to do this yet. I would also be very careful in what the SRM package is including, as merging it could (accidentally) overwrite official DataMiner files, resulting in a (potentially) broken DataMiner version.
For example, if the SRM package contains SLNetTypes.dll and it overwrites the one in the Files folder for example. It's very unlikely, but not impossible.
Security-wise this should not even be possible (in my opinion), as I would like to sign the dmupgrade packages during assembling them, and have DataMiner reject them when the signature is invalid. Such a "merge"-tool would then need to be incorporated in our CI/CD chain (instead of a manual action).
What would be the difference in merging the packages and have a wrong SLNetTypes.dll and install both packages separately? End result will be the same.

The DataMiner may not start for example after upgrading, while installing the package afterwards would not interrupt a running DataMiner (as far as I know)
Not sure, but a solution package should never override official DLLs dataminer, otherwise your dataminer version is invalid. And if such DLLs are included in a solution package this should not be (I think, unless there is a reason for it)

I agree that a dmapp should never overwrite files from the core software.
There are a number of in-house tools used for dmapp creation, but in the end, dmapp and dmupgrade are just some types of archives, so I wouldn’t see why you could not merge them?
Also, note that DataMiner supports application packages that do not require a DataMiner restart (
What would be the reason to link the solutions to the dataminerversion again as now there are standing individual next to the dataminer versions.