I've encountered the following issue while deploying a connector through the cloud:
Cloudgateway, cloudfeed & nats/nas services are running, at first sight nothing seems to be related to these processes. Any clue on what could be the underlying cause of this?
{ "errorMessage": "Unexpected exception occurred", "exceptionMessage": "StatusCode: 7, DebugMessage: Problem communicating with ipc://slnetipc/SLNetService: Timeout while sending message (10s)", "stackTrace": " at ArtifactDeployer.Services.CoreGateWayResponseHandler.Implementations.CoreGateWayResponseHandler.Handle[TReq,TResp](ICoreGatewayRequestExecutor coreGatewayRequestExecutor, TReq request, MessageParser`1 responseParser, String topicId)\r\n at ArtifactDeployer.Deployer.Implementations.ProtocolPackageDeployer.Deploy(String deploymentId, EventingInfo eventingInfo, ArtifactInfo info, String artifactLocation, DeployContext context)\r\n at ArtifactDeployer.Handler.Implementations.DeploymentHandlerEventingDecorator.<>c__DisplayClass7_0.<<DeployArtifactAsync>b__0>d.MoveNext()\r\n--- End of stack trace from previous location ---\r\n at ArtifactDeployer.Handler.Implementations.DeploymentHandlerEventingDecorator.CaptureExceptionAsync(ContextType contextType, Func`1 action)" }
Marieke Goethals [SLC] [DevOps Catalyst] Selected answer as best 17th January 2024

A fix has been made in DataMiner CoreGateway 2.13.4, which is now available for installation via the Admin app on the Nodes page of your DataMiner System(s). (dataminer.services change log | DataMiner Docs)
Marieke Goethals [SLC] [DevOps Catalyst] Selected answer as best 17th January 2024
Hi, after reproducing the issue we found a timeout being defined in the DataMiner CoreGateway DxM that was too low. We will try to release a fixed version later today. Wkr