Cisco Nexus driver exposes a "utilization" metric (in Mbps) per interface on the "Interface Detailed" data page.
Does the value stand for the RX or TX utilization or probably the summary of both?
Thomas Gunkel [SLC] [DevOps Advocate] Selected answer as best 23rd September 2020
There are dedicated tables for TX and RX interface details in the Cisco Nexus. These tables contain statistics (for example bitrates for the TX or RX interfaces respectively). More details can be found in the help.
The "Utilization" in the Detailed Interface Info table will depend on the duplex mode of the interface.
- Half Duplex: highest bitrate (TX or RX)
- Full Duplex: TX + RX bitrate
Thomas Gunkel [SLC] [DevOps Advocate] Posted new comment 23rd September 2020

Thanks very much Joey! Would be great to add that level of detail to our driver help.