A Cisco ASR9006 Version 6.5.3 router is being polled by DataMiner using ASR Manager The router is configured with many VRFs but the DataMiner VRF tables are empty. Any Suggestions?
Hi Stephen,
The VRF information in this driver is retrieved using SNMP (Cisco-Selective-VRF-Download-Mib CISCO-VRF-MIB).
If the information is missing, it's likely linked to the access rights granted to the community strings you are using.
Can you check your SNMP configuration on your switch using the following commands in privileged exec mode:
show run | include snmp-server
show snmp group
The first command should indicate in which group the SNMP user is present.
The second command should show which view rights the group has assigned.
Finally using the following command, you can see what access rights the view defined in the group has:
show snmp view
The VRF info for the ASR is located under ciscoMgmt.775.
A restriction to the info could be reported by the show snmp view command as shown in the screenshot below:

Hi Stephen,
One small correction on my initial statement, for the ASR the VRF info is collected from the “Cisco-Selective-VRF-Download-Mib” (not the Cisco-VRF-MIB).
Based on your screenshots I’m assuming you use a community string linked to the v1default group.
If you don’t have rights, you’ll likely see and exclude for ciscoMgmt.775
The screenshot is just cut at the bottom where the exclude rule for ciscoMgmt.775 could be defined (I’ve added a screenshot in the original answer indicating how this could look).
If you can’t see the exclude in the snmp-server view command response, then it might be worth loading the mib in a mib browser and see if you get the expected data here.
This will allow you to identify if the info is accessible through the SNMP agent on the device.
The mib can be downloaded from the cisco support website (https://cfnng.cisco.com/mibs)
Thanks for the clarification re the “Cisco-Selective-VRF-Download-Mib”, that was our original understanding. We did download that Mib and get some values back when we walk it but it doesn’t seem to represent configuration of the router which has many VRFs configured. This is in relation to the ASR 9006 and 9001. The ASR920 returns VRFs correctly but we assume this uses the other Cisco-VRF-Mib as this walks and the selective one doesn’t. I’ll post a screenshot of the Mib walk for the 9000 series at the bottom of the original question. All help very much appreciated…

Hi Stephen,
Can you forward the details to techsupport@skyline.be ?
We’ll connect to your system and have a more in-depth look at this.
Thanks for your response Ive. An email has been sent now to Tech Support.
Many thanks for your answer Ive. The response to your suggested commands is posted at the bottom of the original question. I’m not sure if that means we should see the VRF’s or whether there is a permissions issue? Any more advice would be very welcome.