Hi Dojo,
I'm trying to make some buttons for each row. Overall it looks good, but when an alarm is in any row the alarm color is changing for every child.
The setup is a service view and the row is in a child element!
Here is my setup:
Interesting is that the new documentation is not even listing "row" as a ChildType:
The child row results in an element shape each time. That means they all refer to the same element by default.
Try using the parameter shape data in your colored child shape with the alarm option to get the right color. For example, if your table is 10100, you could refer your child shape to the right cell by setting your Parameter shape data to "10111|Alarm". The table index of the row in question will automatically be applied, resulting in the right cell.
To verify the right value is being referenced, you could add an '*' in this shape's text to get the cell value.

Hi Toon,
you are correct, this is exactly how I figured it out. I made much bigger ones with * to read it. After that I used the index column id as a parameter and it was working. Without |Alarm it’s also working correctly. Thanks for your answer.