Hello Dojo community,
I have an automation script which, among other things, loads a configuration profile on a device. It takes about 15-20 seconds for the profile to be loaded and the parameter value updated. When the script runs with the CheckSets = True, it throws an error "Error: Could not verify that parameter <DMAID/ElementID/ParamID> was correctly set (50 retries). ...." This is because it doesn't wait long enough for the parameter value to be updated.
Is there a way to delay/extend the CheckSets to account for the latency?
At the moment, as a work around, I have disabled it and added the sleep() method followed by another parameter check.
Thank you.
Hi Pawel,
It's not possible to change the delay used by the CheckSets.
If you would like to validate the parameter changes, you'll have to do this yourself, by reading out the parameter value in a loop until you retrieve the desired value.
If you do use the loop, make sure to add a maximum number of retries, to avoid getting stuck in the loop if the set failed.
Note that if the timeout is only happening for a limited number of sets, you can enable & disable the CheckSets flag at runtime, using the engine.SetFlag() method.

Thanks Ive.