After a change of the offload rate of the realtime trending to 1 minute the offloading stopped.
Changing it back to 5 minutes didn't resolve the offloading.
While checking I noticed additional settings in the rate attribute, which are not in the DataMiner help page.
What I also noticed is that the local 'data' is in the configuration twice. Once for realtime trending and once for the snapshotdata. Is this correct?
I don't quite understand is why you would offload both real time trending data as well as offload snapshots of every changed parameter every five minutes, which basically amounts to the same. The local 'data' appearing twice reflects this too, as the offloaded data is probably coming from the local data table in both cases.
Perhaps having both of these active is preventing the normal RT data offload from happening?
On my setup where I have only RT data offloaded (basically the 'parameter values' checkbox unchecked), I have the following in my config file:
<Offload state="active" local="data" remote="data" rate="5;FALSE;00:00:00;FALSE" clean="false"/>
<Offload state="active" local="dataavg" remote="dataavg"/>
<Offload state="inactive" local="data" remote="snapshotdata" rate="5;TRUE;00:00:00;TRUE" clean="false"/>

Snapshot data offloading depends on the settings in the information templates. Only parameters that are identied there are offloaded.
For the realtime trending the parameters that are offloaded are specified in the trend template.
Additionally I found in the SLDatabase[SLWatchDog] log file following lines.
This started 4 days after the upgrade to 10.0 CU12. I’m doubting it’s related since it would have started the same day if it did.
The user wo notified me said it started after he did a change to the offload settings.
Could not start the MySQL service. Cannot open MySQL service on computer ‘.’
Exception whil creating MySQL Connection: Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts.
Query threw a MySQLException: Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts. (query ‘select version()’)
I would guess that the data being offloaded will be a different set of data.