I have an issue only on one PC, where Element has two Frame synchronizers, First synchronizer loads the visio, and able to control , but second synchronizer cannot pull full visio and also no control. It happens only on one PC with all users, But both visios work perfectly on other clients..
Any help?
Hi Chowdary,
In the System Center, can you try to change the default browser engine to Chromium (if it was in the default engine previously)?
Alternatively, you can also follow this guide in the DataMiner Docs to configure Microsoft Edge to run DataMiner Cube.
Hi Jeeva,
I have copied Selenio files from other working System/Cache and now its working fine.
Hi Chowdary,
Can you try to clean the Cube versions Cache, Visio Cache, and Protocol Cache?
I am using Microsoft Edge to run Dataminer (not from Cube app), and don’t find this option to clean, except on the Edge cache, which I did, but didn’t work.

Could you try to clean the DataMiner Cube XBAP cache as detailed here
HI Jeeva,
I cannot the see option which U have menionted, as Iam using Edge with DMA ver9.5, But whenever we try to open Selenio visio, iam getting following error below and Visio cannot load the parameters. Please advise.
Dear Jeeva,
Would you please check my pic which I have posted 30min before, as it showing some error to load the Visio.