We have spectrum analyzers installed remotely at multiple unmanned sites, we are looking for a solution to see their data remotely (if possible in real time). Is this something DataMiner can do?
Next to the points Sammy mentioned, it is also possible to set up measurement points for each Spectrum device, allowing a single spectrum analyzer to automatically perform measurements at different points in the network, further enhancing the ROI.
The requirements for monitoring the remote sites in real-time would basically be a good network connection to allow a DataMiner agent to communicate with the spectrum devices or other devices in the remote location.
For locations with less stable data connections, DataMiner probes can provide a solution. These are downscaled DataMiner agents that can be placed on-site and continuously gather data. When the network connection becomes available, the gathered data can be sent to the central DataMiner system in bulk, allowing operators to review the history during the unconnected time.

wow, that’s really great.