If we have 2 views A & B on a DMA and this DMA has a number of SRM licenses of 100, can we set a maximum limit of SRM licenses per views: view (A) 30 licenses max and view (B) 70 licenses max.
Reason is we must ensure the views have enough SRM licenses available at all time
Hi Yohann, currently this is not supported, SRM licenses are applied system-wide. If we were to contemplate such a feature, I'm also not sure if it would be linked to Views. I would say that it would be more logical probably to have it linked with a specific booking app and/or with platforms (which is a concept that is still in the making).

In the case where we have two different uses for SRM – two separate processes with their own resources, service definitions and bookings : is it recommended to go for two separate Dataminer instances, or can we have it all within the same DMS ? The main issue raised by Yohann is the possible conflict on available licenses at a given point in time, but there may be other technical implications ?
I forgot to mention Yohann that I’m pretty sure that we would be able to build in some kind of check on the configuration / workflow level to accomplish this, if this would be an absolute must-have. It would require some additional work of course to implement it.