Hi, I'm looking for a way to create spectrum measurement points from a connector.
Would anyone have some example QAction code or know if this can be done?
Hi Michiel,
I also was investigating something similar in the past to help out another user, and in the corresponding Dojo Question Wouter Bogaert posted some background information that can be helpful for your case as well: https://community.dataminer.services/question/can-you-edit-a-measurement-point-of-a-spectrum-analyzer-through-an-automation-script/?hilite=measurement+point.
What you can do is use the DMS-class, and then you can use the same code as for the Automation Script in the explanation of Wouter.
IDms dms = protocol.GetDms();
IDmsElement element = dms.GetElement(...);
element.SpectrumAnalyzer.SetMeasurementPoints(false, inputArray)
The inputArray is an object array of string arrays.
One string array per measurement point you want to add.

Hi Michiel,
I believe there are some examples in the connector Generic Satellite Spectrum Monitor. Check method SpectrumCreateMeasPts
Hope it helps.

Thank you Miguel, this is a great starting point for creating the functions I need.
Thank you Joachim, this sure helps as a starting point for creating something for the functions I need.