Is there a way to change the sorting of an element's log if certain log entries are out of order due to delayed processing or due to the circular nature of the logging?
If the most recent entry is not at the bottom/top of the log, is there a way to chronologically sort in ascending or descending order?
Thank you,
Hi Thomas, I'm afraid this won't be possible. These are unstructured text files without any easy ability to sort, besides searching on timestamps.
Kind Regards,

I think this could be transformed technically to a structured logging format, but I’ll let that up to the software team to decide. I think it is a valid feature request which can be considered (in my opinion).

Also note that for log files that overwrite themselves (based on fixed size limit), you can search for “**********” which will be logged at the end of the file. The most recent logging can then be found prior to that entry.

Please note there is already a Feature Suggestion ( to improve our logging (in general). Don’t hesitate to give it an extra vote.
Thank you for the reply Jarno.
Given that every log entry for an element follows the same starting format:
year/month/day hour:minute:second:millisecond
would it be possible to have this sorting functionality in the future? Is that a valid feature request to submit, or is there something fundamental about the logging component that doesn’t allow for that feature to be built?