I am currently adding a third interface to our DMA's for network communication in the DMS and to avoid the virtual IP (from a active-standby team) being assigned to it by accident we have specified the MGMT / ACQ network MAC's and used skipMAC in the network configuration for the 3rd network card.
Can a DMA support a 3rd interface card with a 3rd virtual IP by just adding the extra MAC into the Dataminer or DMS configuration or am I limited to Management / Acquisition network interfaces only?
It looks like I can use some custom Windows networking to do this but it would be better to do within the DMA configuration environment if possible to provide a 3rd virtual IP address. Has anyone already made this work?

In general a DMA can support multiple NICs.
As far as I can see in dataminer docs, configuration and management of VIP will only be handled by the DMA on the two interfaces you have selected as Corporate and Acquisition. For additional NICs on the server you will have to manage this yourself using Windows GUI or command line.
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