When testing the sharing of my dashboard for an exercise, I shared my dashboard with my private e-mail address joachimally@gmail.com. I accidentally added a dot (joachim.ally@gmail.com) but did not realize this immediately because of Google's policy to ignore dots in the GMail-addresses. I clicked on the link in the received e-mail and authenticated via GMail. The following page was shown in the browser.
I realized what was the problem and this presumption was confirmed when I also shared the dashboard with "joachimally@gmail.com" via the Manage Cloud Share - interface. When I clicked on the same link as before, I now got access.
Would it be an idea to take over Google's policy to ignore the dots when authenticating through Google (more specific GMail)?
As there is no chance that someone else has a GMail-address that is exactly the same when the dots are trimmed, I think there is no security breach by allowing that.
Relevant link: Dots don't matter in Gmail addresses - Gmail Help (google.com) .
Kind regards,
Hi Joachim
thank you for bringing this to our attention, I was not aware of this policy at Google. This is indeed something we could consider although note that priority for this would be very low.

Thank you for the quick response!