I am trying to group a number of AlarmSummary shapes representing different alarm severities either for the service to which the Visio is linked to, either for an element of this service.
Without the grouping the AlarmSummaries show the expected result (i.e. the count of each of the alarm severities within their respective context (service or service-element).
But when I group these shapes this no longer works. I tried to explictily add an Element Shape Data using [this service], but without any effect. Also when hardcoding the FilterContext argument (instead of using placeholders like [this service] or [property:...]) I cannot get this to work.
Hi Conan,
An alarm summary shape does not make use of the element shape data. Filling in the element directly or through inheritance will link the shape to the element (and ignore any alarm summary configuration). You can create a group shape and link it to an element, but in order to use alarm summary functionality in a child shape you'll need to disable inheritance.
Can you elaborate on why you want to group alarm summary shapes on element?
Hi Sebastiaan, thank you for the hint. Linking the Group to [this service] and using the AllowInheritance=False option on the AlarmSummary child shapes indeed does the trick (and apparently even when applied on only one of the child shapes all the other child shapes in the Group seem then to automatically “copy” this behavior).
But on the grouped AlarmSummary shapes the Tooltip and AlarmTab functionality is not working, i.e. when I hover over the shape I don’t get a tooltip and the shape is also not being highlighted and I cannot click it to open the related alarm tab. Do you perhaps also have a hint to work around this issue?
We would like to group these AlarmSummary shapes in order to limit the effort required for their layout/positioning. It total we have 8 elements each having 4 AlarmSummaries so if we can group them we only need to position 8 groups in stead of 32 summaries.

Hi Sebastiaan, I set the Group Enabled to False, but I still don’t get the tooltip or alarm tab functionality. Also not when setting the Enabled to True on each of the child shapes. And also not when removing the Enabled=False from the Group. It seems this Enabled has no effect.
Hi Sebastiaan, thank you very much for your kind support, adding layout ShapeData to the Group has fixed the problem.
If you want to have the tooltip and alarm tab functionality for each of the child shapes, you’ll need to disable the parent shape.