I’m currently provisioning devices in Dataminer and need to set up polling configurations for over 30 devices. I’m using a CSV import to provision multiple devices with the same connector.
Is there a way to include the polling configuration in the CSV import? Or is there an alternative method to set the polling configuration in bulk without manually setting it up for each device one by one?
Laurens Moutton [SLC] [DevOps Enabler] Answered question 4 hours ago
What do you mean with polling configuration?
- Is this the IP address etc that can be configured at the creating of the element? In that case it can be added to the CSV file. To see such an example, first manually create one element, then export it as CSV and edit the file to copy the rows and adapt as seen fit for the new elements.
- Or are these parameter values to be set when opening an element card after the element has been created and you want that the same parameter of all 30 elements has the same value? In that case, e.g. in the surveyor tree in DataMiner Cube, right-click on such an element and select "Multiple set". In that new window a parameter can be selected and new value can be filled in. Then check all elements that should receive this new value and click on the "SET" button to perform the parameter set.
Laurens Moutton [SLC] [DevOps Enabler] Edited answer 4 hours ago